第5章 セルフ・ポジショニング 【6/8】



  ■ 酒井さんは、周さんとは長い付き合いだった。直接会ったことも何



  ■ 昨日正華工業より入荷した部品20,000個を入荷検査時に確認し




  ■ 正華工業では、出荷前の製品検査に大変力を入れていることを



  ■ しかし、あおぞらテックに対しては、特別に不良品の無償交換に





   Dear Mr. Chen


   This is Seiichi Sakai from Aozora Tec. I hope all is well for you.


   After conducting our regular IQC procedures for 20,000 parts   

   we received from you yesterday, we found 750 defective parts.   

   This is very unusual as we normally receive very few defectives

   from you. I have attached our IQC reports for your information.


   Could you please investigate why this happened?


   Please make necessary arrangements to send 750 parts for

   replacements. Also, please let me know when I can expect

   receiving them. We need to complete our production

   preparations for these 20,000 parts by the end of next week.


   Thank you in advance for your actions.


   By the way, as usual, I will send you back the defective parts

   using your express shipment account.


   Best regards,

   Seiichi Sakai






   Dear Sakai,


   We at Zhenghua Industry do not send replacements upon

   requests from our customers. Please do not send back 750

   parts. We cannot accept receiving them.


   I have checked with our QC department regarding 20,000 parts

   we sent you last week. Our QC person told me that all of them

   have passed our OQC procedures. I have attached our OQC

   reports for your information.


   I believe 750 parts you have found defective may have been

   dropped when being shipped to your factory. As you know, we

   are not responsible for any damages occurred during

   shipments.  Please contact your forwarder and make required

   arrangements with them.


   Best regards,

   Xingmin Chen








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